HELL ON A HILL TOP: America's Last Major Battle in Vietnam
Major General Benjamin L. Harrison, iUniverse, Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska. 2004.
Quotes From Reviews
“All Viet Nam-related books and manuscripts that I have read-novels, histories, short stories
and poems-have had some merit. Some were superb-well written, enlightening, touching mind, heart and soul. Ben Harrison's Hell On A Hill Top falls into this category. It is truly an impressive and epic work of historical significance.”
John M. Del Vecchio, Author of The 13th Valley
“Considering all that has been written about the Vietnam War in the last thirty years it would
seem that the subject has been covered completely. Not so. Benjamin Harrison's Hell on a Hill Top breaks new ground-and does it in an unusual way. Ben Harrison tells the story of the prolonged struggle in clear, crisp prose, giving full credit to the heroism of the men and the professionalism of the units engaged there. For a ripping good read, don't miss this riveting account of the fight for 'Ripcord.'”
Dave R. Palmer, Lieutenant General (retired), U S Army, Author of Summons of the
“Harrison's distinguished career as Army Aviator enables him to highlight with rare
understanding the vital role of Army Aviation and Aviation Crews during the Ripcord campaign.”
Sidney B. Berry, Lieutenant General, US Army, Retired, Acting Commanding General, 101st
Airborne Division during the Ripcord siege.
“Through his many research travels, trials and tribulations, Harrison finally captured and
published answers to the questions many veterans have had in the back of their mind for years. I was surprised he got as much out of that 'secret' society as he did, but not so surprised at their exaggerations and 'spin.'"
Marty Heuer, Author of Pioneers Of Ahnapee
“The included accounts from several helicopter crewmen were among the most arresting I
have read.”
Lewis Sorley, Author of A Better War
“I reviewed Keith Nolan's Ripcord: Screaming Eagles Under Siege, Vietnam 1970, calling
it 'a searing narrative of soldiers and small units in battle.' In this new book, the commander of the 101st Airborne Division's 3d Brigade that endured the Ripcord fight, has written a gripping and more complete account of how both sides fought. It is a classic. General Harrison's story is replete with examples of leadership, tactical skill, the fighting heart, and soldierly heroism from brigade down to squad and trooper level. An experienced aviator himself, he relates stirring accounts of the 101st's aviators who flew with daring the heavy lifting Chinooks, troop carrying Hueys, and rocket firing Cobras on which the survival of the troops of Ripcord dozens of miles from their bases depended.”
Lieutenant General John H. Cushman, US Army, Retired, former Commanding General,
101st Airborne Division and I Corps Group, Korea.
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